Sulu Travels is an online travel website and mobile application platform designed to provide easy and affordable access to planning trips and accommodations to the province of Sulu. It provides travelers with an intuitive, user-friendly interface where they can search for any travel-related information about Sulu and all its municipalities.It is the collaboration of the Sulu Provincial Government and Sulu State College headed by Hon. Abdusakur M. Tan, Governor of Sulu, and Prof. Charisma S. Ututalum, CESE, Sulu State College President together with the Sulu Travels coaches from Sulu State College, Provincial Tourism Officer, and Municipal Tourism Officers from the Sulu Provincial Government.Features of this appHOME: This presents the features of the application.SULU: This feature presents an overview of Sulu Province.MENU: This feature presents the six (6) sub-features Understand, Get-in, See, Do, Buy, and Eat. It also listed the different municipalities of Sulu Province. This feature focuses on the history, location, attractions, and what to do, buy and eat in the different municipalities of Sulu Province.UNDERSTAND: This sub-feature presents the history of the municipalities in Sulu Province.GET-IN: This sub-feature presents the location of the municipalities, how to get into those municipalities, and the accommodations available in that municipalities.SEE: This sub-feature presents the tourist spots and attractions in different municipalities of Sulu Province.DO: This sub-feature presents the activities that travelers can do in visiting the province of Sulu and its municipalities.BUY: This sub-feature presents what travelers can buy in Sulu Province and its municipalities.EAT: This sub-feature presents what travelers can eat in the province of Sulu and its municipalities.CONTACT: This feature provides contact information for travelers.ABOUT: This feature provides information about the application.The tourism industry is an important part of the economy in any province. It has the potential to bring in significant revenue, create jobs, and attract new visitors. To ensure that the industry is successful, it is important to advertise and promote it. This can be done through digital platforms such as social media, websites, and apps. That’s the importance of this application which can provide support for the advertisement and promotion of the tourism industry in the province of Sulu and can ensure that visitors continue to visit and that the industry continues to thrive.